The Green, Green Grass Of Home

     We have completed another decades' worth of year pages, as 1987 through 1996 have been added to the database.  This, of course, includes the NFL's 75th Anniversary season of 1994, when league-wide for at least a few games, every team wore throwbacks, even though some of them really didn't look any different from what they normally wore.  One team liked the throwbacks so much they petitioned the league to wear them the rest of the year, they won ten straight games wearing them, and even wore them when they won the Super Bowl.  Another team adopted a "throwback style" uniform as their regular dark-colored jersey the following year, and they went on to win the Super Bowl, too.
     Another feature we are adding here can be seen on the 2010 team pages which we are currently working on.  Along with the plethora of features which we discussed yesterday, we have decided to also include, whenever head-to-head match-ups are displayed on the site, whether a game was played indoors or outdoors, and on what surface the game was played on.
     In this image from the bottom of the Steelers page (right), you can see that the symbol above the Super Bowl indicates that it was played in indoors, while there is no such symbol over the AFC Championship game against the Jets.  And below the game images, you can see the different colors, indicating that the AFC Championship was played on grass, and the Super Bowl on Field Turf.  We are still working on which shades of colors will represent which surfaces, however you can see where we're heading with this.

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     Database changes:  A new feature here in the blog, whenever there are changes to the database, there will be a mention of it here with links to both the new and replaced images.  
     Today there are a few such updates to the database, starting with some changes that have been made to the late 1930's Bears uniforms.  First of all adjustments have been made to the 1936 Bears' shoulder stripe pattern.  (old version)   The changes to the numbers of the 1937, '38 and '39 Bears that we discussed last week here in the blog have been adapted.  (Note: It turns out we didn't discuss this last week, we'll bring you that story in an upcoming article.)  Old versions here: 1937, '38, '39.  The 1940 Bears had adjustments made to their sanitary socks.  (old version)    I don't really see that much of a difference with the 1936 and 1940 changes, but then that's what makes these guys the masters of detail that they are.
     The early 1970s Giants jersey, which I know we did discuss last week, have been added to the database.  The 1970 Giants now have the new jersey added which we previously did not have confirmation of them wearing until the 1971 season.  The discovery of 'tapered sleeves' on these jerseys required us also to update the '71, '72, '73, '74 and '75 Giants.  (old versions: '70, '71, '72, '73, '74, '75)
     We also confirmed the changes to the 1942 Brooklyn Dodgers helmets that we discussed Tuesday.  (old version)

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     Only three days to go until we launch on Sunday, and we still have thirteen year pages (1997-2009) and thirty 2010 team pages to go, so I guess I'll be busy the next three days!

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