Week 8 Uniform Rankings

Week 8 Uniform Rankings
by Tim Brulia
For the first time this season, we saw all home teams wearing dark at home. In my opinion, this was the best week of uni matchups so far this season. And here we go:
Cardinals-Ravens: The all white of the Cardinals against the purple/white of the "angry birds." Not a bad matchup, really, but I think it would have neat to see at least one of these guys in dark pants, preferrably the Cardinals.
Colts-Titans: This AFC South tilt featured no real surprises, Colts in all white and the Titans int their now customary cool/cold weather home design of columbia blue/dark blue combo. At least the Titans kept the white to just the helmet. Average matchup.
Jaguars-Texans: Another AFC South game with the Jags in the now familiar white/black combo. And it seems like when the Texans host the Jags, it's in the "battle red" combo (red/red). Er, not quite. Tex is going with the white pants this year. But the battle red socks make an appearance. Used to be the Texans would wear their red socks with the deep blue pants. Nice to see them here, but wish they'd bring them back for more than "battle red". But this is a nice change of pace for Tex.
Dolphins-Giants: The Fish in the white/aqua combo with the Giants in customary blue/gray. Interesting matchup, though nothing unusual, really.
Vikings-Panthers: Vikes in the all white combo, with the Panthers - 2 weeks in a row! - in the alternate Carolina blue/silver combo. If the Vikes would have done the right thing and wore purple pants for this one, I think it may have been the game of the year (uni-wise). But alas,...
Saints-Rams: Saints avoid the black pants again, but it is still a bit early. Rams trot out - I believe - their sixth combo of the year with the retro 1973-1999 classic, still a popular combo with many of you. And of course, the Rams pull off their first win of 2011. Hmm. Nice matchup.
Lions-Broncos: Lions in a look that has stood the test of time with the white/silver combo and the Broncs in the orange/white. While the orange jersey is likely to be worn for the last time this season, it will return as THE home jersey for the Broncos next season. And that IS a good thing.
Redskins-Bills: Boy is this a nice looking game! 'Skins in the white/yellow get up with the Bills rocking the crisp blue/wjite combo, with the "Toronto" patch for effect as this game was played at Rogers Centre. But everything works well here. The colors just seem to pop here. A dandy look!
Bengals-Seahawks: Bengals get out the white/black combo and the Seahawks were in the all-blue at home. Thankfully the Bengals wear the black pants. It does add up a bit to what could have been a blah game had Cincy gone with a white/white combo.
Browns-49ers: Very classic look for these two. Something you might have seen 40+ years ago. It's nice, but just a little dry for my mouth.
Patriots-Steelers: I guess when these AFC powers clash, the unis look as strong as these two teams play. Again,l a nice range of colors between these two gets a nice thumbs up.
Cowboys-Eagles: Not much flash, but again, nice colors bring out some uni goodness. Cowboys in the usual white/quasi-silver and the Eagles in the green/white combo. Is it me or does it seem like the Eagles' green is just a pinch lighter this year?
Chargers-Chiefs: Classic AFC matchup with the Chargers in the standard white/dark blue and the Chiefs in red/white. No surprises, but then none needed.
So once again, here's how I rank them, top to bottom:
1) Redskins-Bills
2) Saints-Rams
3) Lions-Broncos
4) Patriots-Steelers
5) Bengals-Seahawks
6) Jaguars-Texans
7) Vikings-Panthers
8) Dolphins-Giants 
9) Cowboys-Eagles
10) Chargers-Chiefs
11) Cardinals-Ravens
12) Colts-Titans
13) Browns-49ers

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