The "Super Sundays" That Could Have Been...6-10

Did we get to see the best looking uniform combinations possible for the year's final games?

You make the decision as we continue to travel through history.

1971 (VI) - Dallas (NFC) vs. Miami (AFC)
ACTUAL: Given that Miami predominantly wore white at home, there is a distinct possibility that, when given the choice, they may have selected their mono-white duds. ALL HAIL THE SILLY DARK JERSEY RULE (with tongue planted firmly in cheek)!  Unlike the previous year when the rule messed up the uniform pairings, the rule worked like a charm here.

ALTERNATE: Whether Dallas had been the home team (and subject again to the SILLY DARK JERSEY RULE) or had Miami been allowed to go mono-white, this is what we would have been treated to. Is it possible to count this year as two victories for ACTUAL instead of just one???

Which Super Bowl VI combo do you prefer? free polls 

1972 (VII) - Miami (AFC) vs. Washington (NFC)
ACTUAL: Is it wrong to not be bothered by Miami's mono-whites here simply because they were the visiting team and had to wear them instead of choosing to?

ALTERNATE: Is it just me or is the idea of aqua and yellow together like this as offensive to the senses as actually having to look at it?

Which Super Bowl VII combo do you prefer? free polls 

1973 (VIII) - Minnesota (NFC) vs. Miami (AFC)
ACTUAL: I really would pick this one. Really. If not for one thing...those orange socks. Bad. Especially bad when worn in conjunction with the aqua jersey.

ALTERNATE: Still bad. Just not as bad. Either way, we get a team in mono-white so its a wash in that regard.

Which Super Bowl VIII combo do you prefer? free polls 

1974 (IX) - Pittsburgh (AFC) vs. Minnesota (NFC)
ACTUAL: Was Pittsburgh the first team to truly wear predominantly white shoes in this game (Not counting L.C. Greenwood, of course)? 

ALTERNATE: This pairing lacks the split-up of color that the ACTUAL possesses.

Which Super Bowl IX combo do you prefer? free polls 

1975 (X) - Dallas (NFC) vs. Pittsburgh (AFC)
ACTUAL: This pairing set the tone for a rare inter-conference rivalry seen again three years later.

ALTERNATE: Never gonna happen. Never. Might have been nice to see in a Preseason game, maybe. But definitely not on this stage.

Which Super Bowl X combo do you prefer? free polls 

With a 4-1 near sweep, ACTUAL comes very close to taking all five of these years and goes up by a count of ACTUAL - 6, ALTERNATE - 4.

Don't forget to vote for your selections and come back next week for 11-15.
Bill Schaefer

1 comment:

  1. You're pretty hard on the '73 Dolphins. I like the orange socks.
