The "Super Sundays" That Could Have Been...21-25

Today we begin our 5th journey into examining whether or not  the uniform match-up we saw at the Super Bowl was the best option available.

Let's examine the contestants...

1986 (XXI) - Denver (AFC) vs. N.Y. Giants (NFC)
ACTUAL: This is actually the first occasion in which a team appeared in a Super Bowl wearing a memorial decal from the entire season. If this were to happen now, I wonder how teams would arrange a memorial patch like this one, the annual Super Bowl logo patch, and a Captaincy patch? It would make for one crowded uniform! Anyway, the fact that both teams go monowhite for their road apparel makes this a tough call.  

ALTERNATE:  But, like the Dolphins in SB VIII, the orange socks add more to Denver's monowhite than the typical blue socks add to New York's monowhite.

Which Super Bowl XXI combo do you prefer? free polls 

1987 (XXII):  Washington (NFC) vs. Denver (AFC)
ACTUAL: I think this one contains little argument.

ALTERNATE: Definitely. No contest.

Which Super Bowl XXII combo do you prefer? free polls 

1988 (XXIII) - Cincinnati (AFC) vs. San Francisco (NFC)
ACTUAL: The third Super Bowl 'rematch.' Good, but not great.

ALTERNATE: A redo from seven years earlier would have looked better.

Which Super Bowl XXIII combo do you prefer? free polls 

1989 (XXIV) - San Francisco (NFC) vs. Denver (AFC)
ACTUAL: At least this was a good-looking blowout. I remember this as the first Super Bowl I actually stopped watching at halftime.
ALTERNATE: I may have stopped watching by the end of the First Quarter if this had been the pairing.

Which Super Bowl XXIV combo do you prefer? free polls 

1990 (XXV) - Buffalo (AFC) vs. N.Y. Giants (NFC)
ACTUAL: Why are these games with two teams who have monowhite roadies so difficult to choose between?
ALTERNATE: The Giants' monowhite with blue socks and helmet does not set itself off from Buffalo's blue jersey as well as the red of Buffalo sets it apart from New York's blue.

Which Super Bowl XXV combo do you prefer? free polls 

With the first 25 years in the books, ACTUAL, with another round of 4-1, ACTUAL improves to a 17-8 margin over the ALTERNATES.

With Buffalo set to appear in the next three games, and getting to wear their home blues in each, it doesn't look good for an ALTERNATE comeback just yet.

Return next week for the next segment!
Bill Schaefer

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