Divisional Weekend Uniform Rankings

Here we are with Round 2 of the 2012 NFL Playoffs, where we separate the men from the boys, the Divisional Round.

Ravens-Broncos: BAL in white/black, DEN in orange/white. As stated often this season, it is so good to see the Broncos back in orange. And this was a great time to see them in the fiery hue on such a cold day in Denver. The Ravens added the favor by going to the black pants. As such, this was indeed the best possible uni matchup for this affair. Nice trim colors of gold, purple, dark blue made this one a pleasure to watch.

Packers-49ers: GB in white/yellow, SF in red/gold. This uni match is another one that makes watching football in HD color a treat. The white jerseys actually make the bright yellow Packer helmets and pants even more sunshiny. Then add in the bright red jerseys on the Niners augmented by the lush gold helmets and pants and you simply can't go wrong even if you tried. Lovely!

Seahawks-Falcons: SEA in all white, ATL in red/white. Well, not quite the nice matchup as I would have liked. The Seahawks, I guess trying to ride the all white karma from last week's victory in Washington, stayed with their rare all white combo. Not good. They should have definitely worn at the very least the gray pants or better yet, the navy pants against the Falcons' sharp red jerseys and white pants. As such, it was not the best uni matchup of the weekend. Nowhere near it.

Texans-Patriots: HOU in all white, NE in dark blue/silver. Now here is where all white works. The Texans, who normally only wear all white for their regular season home opener, do it here. And it's perfect. because these two teams are very similar in their color schematic (except for the Pats' additional silver). Had the Texans gone with their normal blue pants, it would have seemed almost like a little bit of an intra-swuad scrimmage. But the all white look adds a stark and strong contrast to the very familiar (especially at this time of year) Patriots dark blue and silver.

So, the ranking for this weekend's games go like:
1) GB-SF

As we move closer to the Big Game, we'll critique Championship Sunday next time.

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