The "Super Sundays" That Could Have Been...41-46

This is the final installment of the series that will determine once and for all whether or not we were treated to the best-looking "Super Sunday" given the teams we were dealt.

2006 (XLI) - Indianapolis (AFC) vs. Chicago (NFC)
ACTUAL: Great to see the Bears in navy but even as a Bears fan, this game would have looked much better had...
ALTERNATE: ...the Colts been in blue.

Which Super Bowl XLI combo do you prefer? free polls 

2007 (XLII) - New York Giants (NFC) vs. New England (AFC)
ACTUAL: Undefeated New England against the 'upstart' Giants. This is how this game needed to look.
ALTERNATE: This just wouldn't have been right.

Which Super Bowl XLII combo do you prefer? free polls 

2008 (XLIII) - Pittsburgh (AFC) vs. Arizona (NFC)
ACTUAL: A very good looking pairing with red being prominent for one of the few times in the game's history.
ALTERNATE: A tease of red just isn't enough in the comparison.

Which Super Bowl XLIII combo do you prefer? free polls 

2009 (XLIV) - New Orleans (NFC) vs. Indianapolis (AFC)
ACTUAL: If only New Orleans would have their pants a little more gold and a lot less pale. Still enough to win this matchup, though.
ALTERNATE: Much like the Cowboys' mis-matched blues and silvers, this Saints' black jerseys/gold pants combo has four different shades of gold (helmet, collar, numbers, & pants). The ACTUAL pairing with the Saints in white jerseys saves us.

Which Super Bowl XLIV combo do you prefer? free polls 

2010 (XLV) - Pittsburgh (AFC) vs. Green Bay (NFC)
ACTUAL: So do we go with a lot of yellow (NOT GOLD!) and some green or...
ALTERNATE: ...a lot of yellow and some black?

Which Super Bowl XLV combo do you prefer? free polls 

2011 (XLVI) - New York Giants (NFC) vs. New England (AFC)
ACTUAL: I'm having the strangest feeling of deja vu...all over again.
ALTERNATE: Just so that this game isn't confused with the one four years ago, I'd have like to have seen a different pairing.

Which Super Bowl XLVI combo do you prefer? free polls 
Forty-six years of history tells me that, with a 4-2 ACTUAL edge in these last six games, the ACTUAL pairings that we saw were right 29 out of 46 times or 63% of the time.  Roughly two of every three games were the 'right' uniform pairings. 

Upon this series' completion, I will go to the voting mechanisms and see whether or not all of you out there in GUD-land agreed with my analysis more often than not. 

The series is done (for now) but the number-crunching is yet to begin!
Bill Schaefer

1 comment:

  1. Loved this series.

    Interesting that the Colts have played in four Super Bowls, all of which were in Miami and when they've worn their visiting unis they've won and lost with the home unis.

    The Rams are the only team with multiple appearances to only wear one set of unis (visiting team.)
