Wild Card Uniforn Matchup Rankings

Here we go into the 2013 Postseason.

4) Chiefs-Colts:  KC in white/white, IND in blue/white.  This was shaping up as a rather nice, not great, but nice matchup.  Chiefs in red pants and helmets, with the Colts in their blue jerseys with white helmets and pants.  Then, stunningly and quite disappointingly, the Chiefs, for the first time this season, go out in the dreaded all white look.  Why oh why??  I con normally handle a team in all white, but for some reason, the Chiefs in all white just really looks off to me.  Perhaps it's because the Chiefs are totally white from the neck down and have nothing to break the stark look.  The white socks should be red or the cleats need to be black or red.  When coupled with the Colts rather plain look, this uni matchup becomes a dud.

3) Saints-Eagles:  NO in white/black, PHI in green/white.  With the Saints using the black pants, they open up four colors to the elements, the faded gold helmets, their white jerseys and the Eagles white pants, the Eagles green jerseys, and the Saints in their black pants and socks with the Eagles countering with their black socks.  While I can't crow about this matchup, it is certainly rungs higher than the KC-IND from earlier in the day.  It does work better with the Saints in black pants than had they worn washed out gold britches.  As for the Eagles, this is their primary home look, and it is fine, but could use some work.  Not a thrilling matchup, but certainly nothing what I would call bad.

2) Chargers-Bengals:  SD in white/navy, CIN in black/black.  Too much darkness here? Probably.  Four elements of darkness here, well five.  Chargers with navy pants and socks, and the Bengals with black jerseys, pants and socks.  That's a lot.  But, the saving grace for me in this get together are the colors.  Nice trim colors save this one from the cellar dweller status.  Bright yellow and a taste of powder blue trim for the Chargers and some decent dollops of orange on the Bengals.  What could have made this matchup a lot better would have been sock colors that were not an extension of the pant colors.  For the Bolts, maybe white socks with some navy and/or yellow stripes, not just the 1/2" thick yellow separating navy from white.  And for the Bengals, their already on hand orange footwear would have added much needed vibrancy to the heavy dosage of black.

1) 49ers-Packers:  SF in white/gold, GB in green/yellow.  It's January, it's Green Bay, it's COLD.  Aside from that factor, the game features two teams in more traditional garb.  As you likely know, the Packers in green over yellow is a look that I absorb like a sponge.  The key to making it a superior matchup it what the opposition wears.  The Niners oblige with their gold laden helmets and pants, bright red socks and - as mandated by the National Football League - white jerseys.  Three of the four elements are great.  The one that is just "good" is the jerseys.  Nothing wrong with the bright red numbers and trim, but those truncated stripes on the armholes are just wrong.  Still, I can't knock them for that in a matchup, but SF really needs to do something about that.

So with that, we will move on to the Divisional Round, where we really get down to business.  See you then!