I have received a slew of emails over the past several months regarding 'broken' and/or incorrect images showing on various pages of GUD.

Over the past several months, our site has been undergoing some changes involved with the technical coding and layout. Basically, we been modernizing GUD. As the improvements continue to roll out, there will be some older pages still containing these 'broken' or incorrect images. Rather than make the corrections on the old pages that are going to become obsolete as the changes occur, we are waiting to make the corrections on the new, permanent versions of the pages.

We understand that our viewers expect the best from GUD in terms of accuracy, and we will continue to provide that moving forward as soon as possible.

Your continued patience is appreciated during this time.

Thank you.

Bill Schaefer

Time Keeps On Tickin' Tickin' Tickin,' Into the Past

This is not going to be an extensive blog entry, folks...more of an FYI.

Over the past few weeks, Larry Schmitt and I have researched and entered the game times for 1932-69 games. 1970 and forward had already been included on the weekly match-up page. 

This, in turn, has re-sequenced the games on each week's page in much the same way that recent season pages do, as well.

Hope you all enjoy the added information.

Bill Schaefer